READ ARTICLE (DANISH) ‘Advancing Women in Architecture History’ by Grønt Miljø

In January 2021, the Danish journal, Grønt Miljø (Green Environment), published the article ‘Advancing Women in Architecture History’ presenting our project and giving insights into the field of Danish architecture in the 1920s to 1940s. In the article, you can meet a few of the first women in Danish landscape architecture that our project is currently researching.

We are very happy that Grønt Miljø wanted to help us give some of the earliest women in landscape architecture the attention they have long deserved. Read about garden architect Agnete Muusfeldt, horticulturist Anna Weber, and building architect Ragna Grubb and more inspiring architects who played an important role within the architecture disciplins about 100 years ago.

Grønt Miljø is a Danish journal writing about planning, construction and operation of gardens, parks, and landscapes and the history and culture of Danish environments. Visit the journal’s website here.

Thanks to editor in chief Søren Holgersen for sharing our research in the magazine.